Have you recently gone through a divorce? Are there children involved? Have you noticed some changes in your child's personality since the divorce? Children are not always good at expressing their feelings. If you don't do something to help your child, he or she could become emotionally imbalanced and have difficulties in school and at home. Visit our site to learn how to get your child into counseling to learn how to open up and share his or her feelings. Hopefully, you can help your child find comfort during a very difficult time in his or her life and learn to deal with emotions properly.
24 December 2015
Any parent who is trying their best and is going out of his or her way to be the best parent possible is going to succeed. However, parenting children with ADHD is just a little bit different than parenting children who don't have the disorder. Here are some tips for improving your parenting skills. 1. Use Redirection Instead of telling your child what he or she is doing is wrong and possibly disciplining him or her for the actions, trying using redirection instead.
19 November 2015
Depression can strike teenagers at any time. Depression is more than the occasional bad mood that affects most teenagers. Depression is characterized by overwhelming feelings of despair and sadness. Here are some critical things you should know about depression, so that you can spot the symptoms in your teenager. Extreme Irritability Being irritable is normal during the teen years. However, it is not normal for your teenager to be prone to a constant series of angry outbursts all the time.
21 September 2015
Many joke about being addicted to their smartphones and social media, but would it surprise you to know that these digital obsessions may also have a hand in ruining marriages? While chatting with friends on social media and tapping your smartphone all day may seem harmless, it turns out to be quite the opposite. If your marriage is struggling, read this guide to find out if your phone and social media habits might be to blame.
15 September 2015
Statistics show that over 1 million American children go through a divorce alongside their parents each year. If your own marriage has come to an end, you are likely worried about minimizing the effects of divorce on your children. Opting to invest in mediation can be a great way to reduce the negative impact your divorce might have on your kids. Here are two ways that divorce mediation can benefit not only you but your children as well.
31 August 2015
While you may not suspect that the seniors you know are actively abusing recreational drugs, the odds that they may be addicted to prescription pain killers and other narcotics is higher. Doctors prescribe seniors more drugs to help them with health issues, but when those drugs are tranquilizers, sleeping aids or pain medication, they run the risk of being abused. In fact, almost 17 percent of U.S. adults over age 60 are addicted to some kind of prescription drug.