Have you recently gone through a divorce? Are there children involved? Have you noticed some changes in your child's personality since the divorce? Children are not always good at expressing their feelings. If you don't do something to help your child, he or she could become emotionally imbalanced and have difficulties in school and at home. Visit our site to learn how to get your child into counseling to learn how to open up and share his or her feelings. Hopefully, you can help your child find comfort during a very difficult time in his or her life and learn to deal with emotions properly.
28 July 2016
If your spouse has an addiction to drugs or alcohol, your biggest battle might be convincing him or her that this is a problem. Many addicts deny or minimize their addictions, and this often prevents them from seeking help. If you are tired of it and have tried to reason with your spouse about this, you may want to try one last method. This method is asking your spouse to honestly complete an online substance abuse assessment to find out if there really is a problem.
12 July 2016
When you are the parent of a teen that has been getting into trouble and is heading down a bad path, you may find yourself wondering what you can and should do to help get them back on track. This can be a difficult and frustrating time for you as a parent because you want the best for your child but you also do not have a great deal of control over them as they get older and begin acting out.
6 April 2016
When you want to keep your family together to the best of your ability, one of the best things you can do for yourself is seek the help of a family counselor. These counseling professionals will be able to assist your family with any kinds of issues and will allow you to get the most out of each and every component of your household. This will be healthy for your family in the present and as you grow, so provide yourself with the help that you need by considering these points and reaching out to a family counselor.
17 February 2016
In the United States alone, it's estimated that more than a quarter of the adult population suffers from a mental illness in any given year. Unfortunately, a large number of these people are never diagnosed. Part of this has to do with the fact that there are so many misconceptions and a general lack of education when it comes to mental illnesses and mental health. By understanding the reality behind some common mental health myths, however, you can be better informed.
24 December 2015
Any parent who is trying their best and is going out of his or her way to be the best parent possible is going to succeed. However, parenting children with ADHD is just a little bit different than parenting children who don't have the disorder. Here are some tips for improving your parenting skills. 1. Use Redirection Instead of telling your child what he or she is doing is wrong and possibly disciplining him or her for the actions, trying using redirection instead.