counseling a child going through a divorce
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counseling a child going through a divorce

Have you recently gone through a divorce? Are there children involved? Have you noticed some changes in your child's personality since the divorce? Children are not always good at expressing their feelings. If you don't do something to help your child, he or she could become emotionally imbalanced and have difficulties in school and at home. Visit our site to learn how to get your child into counseling to learn how to open up and share his or her feelings. Hopefully, you can help your child find comfort during a very difficult time in his or her life and learn to deal with emotions properly.


counseling a child going through a divorce

Debunking Common Myths About Mental Health

Carter Mccoy

In the United States alone, it's estimated that more than a quarter of the adult population suffers from a mental illness in any given year. Unfortunately, a large number of these people are never diagnosed. Part of this has to do with the fact that there are so many misconceptions and a general lack of education when it comes to mental illnesses and mental health. By understanding the reality behind some common mental health myths, however, you can be better informed.

Myth 1: Children Aren't Affected By Mental Illness

One of the most commonly perpetuated myths about mental health is that children aren't affected by mental illness. This couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, even very young children may show "red flags" and warning signs of potential mental illnesses, and it's not uncommon for teenagers to suffer from mental illnesses such as depression. Unfortunately, many children are never diagnosed because their parents don't know how to recognize the warning signs.

Myth 2: Mental Health Problems Are Caused by Character Flaws

Another common misconception people have about mental illness is that those who have it can simply "snap out of it." People who believe this myth see mental illness as something that can be controlled with enough will power and emotional strength, but this simply isn't the case. In reality, many mental illnesses (such as depression) are caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain--something that's completely out of the person's control.

Myth 3: Those With Mental Health Issues Are Violent and Unpredictable

While it's true that some mental illnesses can leave people prone to violence or unpredictable behavior, the fact remains that the majority of people who suffer from mental illness aren't any more prone to violence than people living without a mental illness. People with mental illnesses can still lead relatively normal lives and be productive members of society, assuming they're treating their illness.

Myth 4: Medication is Always the Answer to a Mental Health Diagnosis

There are definitely situations where medication may be recommended to help with a mental illness, but it's typically not the first choice for treatment. Often times, doctors will recommend therapy and other non-medicated options and leave prescription medication as a last resort. In some situations, medication may be combined with therapy to achieve the best results and help the person get back to a normal way of life as much as possible.

To learn more about mental health treatment, contact a company like Dr. Stephen Brown & Associates.
